It’s been a long time coming but the site is almost back to a functional state!

If you know me you will know that I am the Director at a Salvation Army residential youth camp and retreat center called Camp Arnold (in Western Washington State). About a year and a half ago I started to re-do my web-site and ended up taking this job, selling a house and moving. The site changes ended up being more complicated than I had imagined as I was changing to a new theme with a different interface and a few other challenges. I didn’t work on the site as much as I should have for a couple of reasons: 1. I was busy, 2. And probably more to the point, I was having a hard time getting past a couple of techy problems and just sort of ignored it. Finally, this past couple of weeks, I decided it was time to grind it out and figure out the problems. Which I mostly have! Rejoice!

My first album, along with some beta versions of songs I’m working on, are now available to download free on the site. I will be hoping to add some other interesting content in upcoming weeks and months to include: ICU history, songs and online museum (ICU, or In Christ United, was a Christian rock band that myself, my brother and some other good friends had in the mid-late 90’s); Poems; Stories; and who knows what else. I’ll also be hoping to post on this blog more frequently.

I’ll plan to share a little bit more about myself on the next few posts for the benefit of visitors who I haven’t had a chance to meet and might find that interesting.

Thanks for visiting jeffstunes! Come again…

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